Project Venom and Marvels VENOMverse


In 2006, Peter A DeLuca embarked on a web project aimed at gaining attention. His goal was to take Marvel Comics’ well-known characters and transform them into malevolent alien symbiotes, a concept that had yet to be explored. Much like AKAPAD’s Marvel 2099 series, this project was initially planned for a consistent release, delving into this unique idea. However, due to time constraints that have often plagued Peter A DeLuca’s endeavors, only a few initial sketches materialized before AKAPAD shifted focus to other ventures (Design Pros Media, and Freelancing).

What adds an intriguing layer to this narrative is that in 2017, Marvel Comics brought forth two mini-series that delved into the very concept of Project Venom. These series, titled “The Edge of the Venomverse” and “Venom Verse,” offered an exploration of the idea Peter A DeLuca had set in motion, marking an exciting development in this creative journey.

2006's Project Venom

Venom – Captain America


Punisher – Venom

Hulk – Venom