Pat Broderick – Client Spotlight

Pat Broderick Comic Book Legend

Par Broderick Client of Peter A DeLuca AKAPAD and comic book legend

Making a connection through Facebook and responding to a call for help was an exciting experience when I had the opportunity to collaborate with Pat Broderick on his portfolio website. Later, I also assisted in shaping the outlook of his crowdfunding campaign and managing the expectations surrounding it. What fueled my enthusiasm for this collaboration was the astonishing revelation that Pat was the artist behind a comic book cover that had haunted me since my childhood. This particular comic book happened to be among the first ones I ever owned, Firestorm #, featuring the hero depicted as a werewolf with a vivid blue cover. The impact of this image on me as an artist cannot be overstated.

The journey of discovering and subsequently connecting with Pat for a project that holds great significance in his evolving career is a testament to the power of social media and how accessible we all are, even when separated by decades and different industries. This project is the evidence of how important a web presence is and how it never really went way. Social media and making yourself available to legion of comic book fans is critical but having a destination where fans can get more detail on your projects, make purchases, and fall deeper into you as a brand is the language of today. I am happy to have Pat as a client and act as in consultant in this brave new world.

Project Deliverables
– Website Design
– Website Maintenance and Support
– Website Registration and Hosting
– Content Buildout and Discovery
– Consultation: Kickstarter Campaign Launch
– Consultation: Social Media





Pat Broderick extended biography

In the 1970s, Pat Broderick, a talented artist, made an impactful entry into the world of comic books. Hailing from Tampa, Florida, he embarked on a transformative journey to New York City, aiming to shine on the grand stage of DC Comics. Broderick’s story intertwines with DC Comics’ junior bullpen program, a prestigious nationwide talent competition hosted annually during the celebrated July 4 convention at the Commodore Hotel.

Broderick’s artistry captured the attention of DC Comics’ luminaries, Sol Harrison and Joe Orlando, propelling him into the illustrious junior bullpen program—an exclusive platform reserved for emerging talents in the comic book industry. Within this enclave, Broderick’s creative spark illuminated the pages of various 100 Page Super Spectaculars, where he crafted filler pages and penned succinct stories that left an indelible mark.

Beyond DC’s confines, Broderick’s artistic journey led him to Continuity Associates, the brainchild of renowned artists Neal Adams and Dick Giordano. Here, he joined the Crusty Bunkers, an esteemed group of artists pushing the boundaries of creative expression.

Throughout his career, Broderick’s artistic prowess graced numerous DC Comics titles, cementing his legacy as a pivotal figure in the comic book industry. His contributions span a wide array of characters and stories, including The Micronauts, Captain Marvel, the Creature Commandos, Justice League of America, The Fury of Firestorm, Batman, Captain Atom, and Swamp Thing, among others.

However, Broderick’s journey through the comic book cosmos experienced its twists and turns. His relationship with DC Comics saw its ups and downs, eventually leading him back to Marvel Comics, where he continued to contribute to iconic titles like Alpha Flight and Doom 2099.

Pat Broderick’s artistic odyssey is a testament to his enduring impact on the comic book world. His work, encompassing both DC and Marvel Comics, remains a source of inspiration for fans and artists alike. Explore his remarkable contributions and artistic evolution through the pages of comic book history.